Montgomery County is hosting a Household Hazardous Waste and Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Collection Event on Saturday, March 21 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Transfer Station Convenience Center located at 1230 Highway Drive, in Clarksville. Any Tennessee resident may participate.
What to bring:
- pool chemicals
- pesticides
- fluorescent lamps
- paints
- paint thinner
- flammable liquids
- expired medicines and more.
Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG) may participate by appointment only. To schedule an appointment contact Patrick Storey at Clean Harbors Environmental Services at TNCESQG@cleanharbors.com or by phone.
What is HHW?
HHW is as any unwantedor spent household product that can catch fire easily (flammable), eat away at or irritate living tissue (corrosive), react violently with water or other chemicals (reactive), or is poisonous to humans and animals (toxic). Usable household products may exhibit hazardous properties but until they become a waste they are not appropriate for the mobile household hazardous waste program. Click here for a list of acceptable and unacceptable items.