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There are a lot of options available for replacement air filters. Action Air wants you to know the best options…

The importance of air filters:

Without a good clean air filter, an excess of build-up results in lower efficiency, allowing dirt and other particulates to pass through and accumulate on equipment – coils, motor, blower, ducts, etc. This means higher energy bills and expensive repair bills.

Fiberglass vs Pleated – To Pleat or not to pleat? That is the question!

There are three arguments for Fiberglass filters:

  • Price tag. They are extremely low priced – as little as $1 each. But it’s true, you get what you pay for.
  • You get better airflow with fiberglass.
  • Fiberglass filters are easier on your system

And of course there are 3 arguments for Pleated filters:

  • Your family’s health – more dirt, dust, and allergens will get into your air with less stringent air filters.
  • More frequent air filter changes – fiberglass filters need to be changed every 30 days – this increases the cost in the long run. Pleated filters last for 90 days.
  • Your system won’t function well when clogged with dirt, dust, etc.

Pleated filters are designed to increase the surface area of your filter, which allows it to catch more dust, dirt, and allergens. Which means less frequent filter change.

Another perk of pleated air filters is the fact that when you are changing that fiberglass filters, you are more likely to release dirt and debris. Because of their cheap construction, they don’t have the ability to securely hold the particles they’ve captured, so, the nasty stuff goes back into the air and ultimately, back into your system.

Size Matters!

Size is one of the most important factors in ensuring the replacement filter is the right match for your furnace.

  • If it’s too big, it won’t fit into the filter cabinet.
  • If it’s to small it can fall into the supply or return plenum causing airflow obstruction.

If you’re unsure about which filter to use for your HVAC system, give Action Air a call. And as always, when you need action, call Action Air  (931) 647-8525.