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Posts Tagged AC Clarksville TN

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My AC isn’t cooling like it used to – help!

When your air conditioning isn’t cooling at its usual rate, it can be frustrating. As temperatures continue to rise, it is important that your AC do its job by adequately keeping you cool. We all know how hot Tennessee summers can get! If your air conditioning isn’t keeping your home or office as cool as… Read More

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How can my business become more energy efficient?

With hot weather coming, saving on energy costs can be a challenge. Making a business energy efficient can present challenges that you wouldn’t experience in your home. Most businesses are located in much larger spaces than a typical home. Businesses also have to think about the comfort of a wide range of employees and clients… Read More

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How can I reduce pollen in my home?

Improving your home’s air quality can improve your health. Spring is in full bloom and avoiding allergies will be a persistent problem. With new plants blooming through the warm months of summer and into the fall, you never know when your allergies will hit. With that in mind we want to help you keep your… Read More

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What’s the Point of Regular HVAC Maintenance?

My system is running well, can I skip maintenance? Although you can technically skip maintenance, it is not advisable! Imagine doing the same with your car. If you never have the oil changed or a tune-up until the check-engine light comes on, you can’t expect it to last more than a few of years. With… Read More

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Cabin Fever Can Save You Energy

As winter weather drags on, people tend to develop cabin fever. Knowing that spring is approaching can get you down when you are stuck inside on a dreary winter day. Don’t let the crummy weather get you down!  Action Air has some great ideas for projects to keep you busy until warmer days arrive!  … Read More

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Air Filters Clean Household Air

Concerns about the effects of poor indoor-air quality have increased. Poor indoor air quality can be a serious concern for families and individuals dealing with lung issues and serious allergies. There is good news, however; whole-house air-cleaning systems are becoming increasingly more popular and can be incorporated into almost any HVAC system. In fact, filtering… Read More

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